
Objects and animals that accompany pirates

For those who want to learn things according to my point of view. The descriptions do not assure that they are correct, since I put them. Vote and comment on what you think most about a ... PIRATAAAAAAAAAA ((PS: Pirates can also be good people))

TOP 1: Map

To know where one is

TOP 2: Ship

A pirate cannot be a pirate if he cannot go through the 7 seas ... that's why they go on boats

TOP 3: Hat

For the crew captain, like, Captain Jack Sparrow

TOP 4: Compass

As useful as in the sea as in the desert ... as long as it points you north and not what you most want ...

TOP 5: flag

For people to despair and to panic ((first comes despair))

TOP 6: Pistol and Powder

It is used to pull the trigger and ... PUF !! , but it only works with powder


A pirate can not stay to talk alone, so they buy a parrot for about $ 8 and chat.

TOP 8: Canyon

in BOATS VS BOATS, they are used for ... BUM !! BUM !! BUM !!

TOP 9: Skull

Not that they accompany them ... but excluding the zombies ... you see a skull and it comes to your mind ... PIRATAAAAA !!

TOP 10: Sword

The typical pirate weapon .... everyone will have something like that ...

TOP 11: Boat

To run away, never better ...

TOP 12: Anchor

It is used to make a stop or make crazy as they did in PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 1

TOP 13: Hook

Another setback ... and the same shark

TOP 14: Wooden leg

For some setback ... like being a bit bit by a shark ...


A monkey is not that it is very related to pirates, but in Pirates of the Caribbean it is seen that YES

TOP 16: Patch

Normally, it is used to vary

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