
The rarest aquatic animals

In our seas, lakes and rivers live curious, strange, beautiful, ugly beings - even very ugly - that we find interesting to discover. Here the rarest we know.

TOP 1: Drop fish or blur fish

This poor fish, in addition to ugly and rare, is quite vague. Inhabits Australia and Tasmania, and feeds on what floats on its way. In 2013 he was chosen as the ugliest animal in the world by Ugly Animal Preservation Society. With his good face, he gives a little pain ...

TOP 2: Sea slug

What catches the attention of these animals is that they are sometimes confused with vegetables, since they have an almost transparent body and the ability to emit very striking lights. This is precisely their means of defense, since their color warns of their great toxicity. Some spices can measure up to 40 cm. They feed on small prey that they capture with small discharges. Be careful to touch anything beautiful!

TOP 3: Sea pig

They live at the bottom of the ocean, so they have no color, and feed on the mud they find in that bottom and the particles they find in it. Not much is known about them, but they should opt for the weirdest and ugliest bug title in the world .

TOP 4: Dumbo Octopus

Of course, the name is appropriate. This octopus , which lives at great depth, must adapt its gelatinous body to the pressure it must withstand. It usually measures about 20 cm, although some say they have seen one of up to 1.8 meters. Eat snails, worms and crustaceans. He lives in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean and moves with his ears!

TOP 5: Jellyfish sea wasp

Inhabits the waters of Australia and also in other parts of Oceania. Its head can measure as a basketball, and its possible 60 tentacles up to 3 meters long. Its sting is very painful since it inoculates poison to its victims, which, in some cases, can be fatal.

TOP 6: Yeti Crab

The Yeti crab is named for its white color and hairy claws. He lives in the Pacific, reaches up to about 15 cm, and has legs full of bacteria that, according to some ongoing study, could be his source of food.

TOP 7: Goldfish bubble eyes

They are family of the typical red fish that some have in their home aquariums. However, they are distinguished by the sacks they have under their eyes, full of liquid, which can give them vision problems, which can prevent them from seeing food and even lead them to suffer from malnutrition problems.
Still they are active fish, which can reach between 8 and 13 centimeters.

TOP 8: Moonfish

Also called Mola Mola, the sunfish is one of the heaviest known. It usually reaches between one and two tons, measure more than three meters, and live in the tropical waters of the entire planet. It has a laterally crushed body and when it extends its dorsal and ventral fins, it is as long as it is tall. It mainly feeds on zooplankton, such as jellyfish.

TOP 9: Sea Dragon

It is called foliated sea dragon , since its fins resemble leaves of a plant or a tree. This allows them to hide easily from their predators. In some places, such as Australia, they are considered symbols of good luck. They are animals that move little, becoming immobile for a long time. They only strive to feed themselves, and they are so fragile that even a sea that is too rough can kill them for exhaustion.

TOP 10: The Matamata turtle

This ugly turtle, whose shell is composed of apparently poorly fitted layers between them, is an animal with very old roots, currently in danger of extinction. It is typical of the rivers of South America, and can be found in some such as the Orinoco and the Amazon. Clumsy movements, it feeds by staying very still until a fish is close enough, and absorbs it generating a stream of water that drags it into the inside of its mouth, which opens wide.

We have collected the least known and strangest, weirdest and ugliest animals from the waters of our planet. Each with its special characteristics that make it out of the ordinary.

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