
Curiosities of the hippos

The hippopotamus is a mammalian animal weighing between 2,600 and 3,500 kg. A length of 5 meters and a height of 1.50 meters, it lives near water, in rivers, lakes, wetlands. Its worst enemies are: the crocodile, and mainly the human. More lists of animal curiosities:

TOP 25: It feeds only on herbs

TOP 24: They spend most of the day in the water

TOP 23: In short distances it reaches up to 48 km / h

TOP 22: They live in small herds of no more than ten to fifteen specimens

Despite this, herds of more than one hundred individuals have been seen in very favorable areas. Although also some males prefer to live alone.

TOP 21: They almost completely lack hair

They have very soft skin, which is extremely delicate.

TOP 20: They are extremely territorial in the water

Each male controls a strip of the river

TOP 19: Its gestation is between 210 and 250 days

TOP 18: They have a baby by birth

TOP 17: They are more related to whales than with another land animal

TOP 16: Small birds are responsible for removing insects from their skin

Like the herons

TOP 15: His fangs grow continuously throughout his life

TOP 14: It is the animal that causes more deaths in Africa

TOP 13: The fights between them are very violent, but rarely end with death

TOP 12: Sometimes yawning as a gesture of threat

While they yawn they show their long and powerful canines of their lower jaw.

TOP 11: On land it is clumsy and heavy, the opposite of when it is in the water

TOP 10: The open mouth of a hippo can reach a meter

TOP 9: His fangs are more valued than those of elephants

Since these do not turn yellowish over time.

TOP 8: They get to live up to 50 years in the wild

TOP 7: They are so large and heavy that they easily walk on the bottoms of rivers and lakes

TOP 6: Their young are born underwater

TOP 5: If their fangs break they grow back

TOP 4: His name means "river horse"

TOP 3: The ears and nostrils automatically close underwater

TOP 2: You can stay up to five minutes underwater, without drowning

TOP 1: They do not sweat. They exude a red oil

This oil protects your skin. This red liquid gave birth to the myth that hippos sweat blood.

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