
Peacock Curiosities

The common peacock (Pavo cristatus), also known as Indian peacock and blue-breasted peacock, is a species of galliform bird of the family Phasianidae, one of the two species of the genus Pavo, which since ancient times highlighted between the animals admired by the man because of the extraordinary polychrome fan that constitutes the tail of the males. With information from: lasmilrespuestos.blogspot, com destomatologia.com pavoreal.es

TOP 1: Albino Peacock

Peacock Variety

TOP 2: It is the national bird of India

TOP 3: A turkey with its tail unfolded can be considered as the symbol of vanity

TOP 4: The average life is 15 years, but there are cases of up to 20 years

TOP 5: Great need for company. They are sad if they are alone

TOP 6: In the Dominican Republic it is used as a decorative bird in courtyards and gardens

TOP 7: They are polygamous

In the wild they have a harem of 2 to 5 females

TOP 8: In flight

TOP 9: The main use of the male fan is to attract females

TOP 10: In ancient Greece, the peacock was the symbol of the goddess Hera

TOP 11: The male can open his fan after three years of age, the coverts are renewed annually

TOP 12: They adapt easily to captivity as long as they are not disturbed and fed regularly

TOP 13: It is a bird appreciated by the world's leading zoos

TOP 14: 60% of the length of a peacock is occupied by its tail

TOP 15: During the autumn the males are deprived of their lavish ornament

TOP 16: They are very sensitive to excessive humidity and low temperatures

They can get respiratory diseases, tuberculosis and intestinal conditions.

TOP 17: A belief of India and Sri Lanka, is that when it deploys its fan it is a sign of rain

TOP 18: The sounds that the animal produces are not as attractive as its image

They consist of squawks that can relate to a cat's meow, and amazingly serious trumpets. Sometimes he emits shrieks that look like those of a child asking for help.

TOP 19: They eat plants, flower petals, seeds, insects, small reptiles and amphibians

TOP 20: He arrived in Greece with the return of the expeditions of Alexander the Great, and from there he made himself known throughout Europe

TOP 21: Only the male has the large radiant fan in his tail

TOP 22: The female usually weighs about 3 kilograms compared to the 5 kilograms that the male weighs

TOP 23: The laying of eggs has an incubation of about 28 days, and they lay between 3 and 6 eggs approx.

TOP 24: The male is not involved in the incubation of the eggs

And during the breeding season it becomes territorial.

TOP 25: The regions that make up the natural habitat of the species

East of Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka, where he lives in scrubland, dry weather meadows and deciduous forest.

TOP 26: It was a delicacy in the feasts of ancient Rome

TOP 27: In Hinduism, the peacock serves as a mount for Kārttikeya or Skanda, the god of war

TOP 28: Many of India's folk dances including Bharatha Natyam show steps inspired by the peacock courtship dance

TOP 29: In Islam, he is associated with Ibís, chief of demons

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