Film and TV

The best winners of America's next top model

TOP 17: Krista White - cycle 14

TOP 16: Teyona Anderson - cycle 12

TOP 15: Lisa d'Amato - cycle 17

TOP 14: Adrianne Curry - cycle 1

TOP 13: saleisha stowers - cycle 9

TOP 12: Danielle Evans - cycle 6

TOP 11: Whitney Thompson - cycle 10

TOP 10: Yoanna House - cycle 2

TOP 9: Naima Mora - cycle 4

TOP 8: Eva Pigford - cycle 3

TOP 7: mckey sullivan - cycle 11

TOP 6: Jaslene Gonzalez - cycle 8

TOP 5: nicole linkletter - cycle 5

TOP 4: caridee english - cycle 7

TOP 3: Nicole Fox - cycle 13

TOP 2: brittani kline - cycle 16

TOP 1: ann ward - cycle 15

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