Film and TV

The best movie writers

List of 10 writers, mostly winners of the Oscar, considered the best.

TOP 10: David Koepp

-Jurassic Park -Mission: Impossible -The Lost World: Jurassic Park -Spider-Man -The Panic Room -Zathura -War of the Worlds -Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

TOP 9: Coen brothers

-Fargo -No Country for Old Men -A Serious Man -Inside Llewyn Davis -Barton Fink -The Big Lebowski

TOP 8: Guillermo del Toro

-Cronos -The Labyrinth of the Faun -The Devil's Spine -Hellboy -Hellboy II: The Golden Army -Pacific Rim -The hobbit: an unexpected journey -The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

TOP 7: George Lucas

-Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope -Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back -Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi -Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace -Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones -Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith -Raiders of the Lost Ark -Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom -Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull -American Graffiti -THX-1138

TOP 6: Peter Jackson

-The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring -The Lord of the Rings: the two towers -The Lord of the Rings: the return of the King -King Kong -The hobbit: an unexpected journey -The hobbit: the desolation of Smaug - Heavenly creatures - Bad taste

TOP 5: Francis Ford Coppola

-The Godfather -The Godfather II -Patton -The conversation -Apocalypse Now -Cotton Club

TOP 4: Woody Allen

-Midnight in Paris -Match Point -Deconstructing Harry -Blue Jasmine -Annie Hall -Hannah and her sisters -Interiors -Broadway Danny Rose -Manhattan -Purple Rose of Cairo -Powerful Aphrodite -Bullets Over Broadway -Husbands and wives -Alice -Crimes and Misdemeanors - Radio days

TOP 3: James Cameron

-The Terminator -Aliens, the return -The Abyss -Terminator 2: the final judgment -Titanic -Avatar

TOP 2: Stanley Kubric

-The glow - Eyes tightly closed -Full Metal Jacket -Barry Lyndon -2001: Space Odyssey - The mechanical orange -Red phone ?, we fly to Moscow -Genes of Glory -Perfect robbery -Killer's Kiss -

TOP 1: Quentin Tarantino

-Pulp Fiction -Inglourious Basterds -Django Unchained -Death Proof -Reservoir Dogs -Jackie Brown -Kill Bill: Volume 1 -Kill Bill: Volume 2

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