
The best online text editors

We always have a browser at hand, and we often want to edit a text, or just take notes quickly without having to store them on our computer. To do this we bring you a few online text editors so you can take the notes you need quickly without having anything installed on your computer.

TOP 1: Google Drive

Google Drive is an incredibly powerful tool: in addition to allowing you to edit documents, you can save them in the cloud, collaborate with other users, and export it to the main formats (docx, pdf ...). A very useful tool if you want to generate a document that you have to save and continue editing with other users. The only negative: a gmail account is necessary.

TOP 2: Office online

Office online is a text editor of the microsoft company that allows you to run the famous Word program from your browser. As the only negative point, we highlight that it requires prior registration (if a Microsoft account is not available).

TOP 3: Shutterb

Shutterb is an online text editor with the main features that you can be asked for: modify font, insert averages and export. No prior registration required

Well, here the best online text editors. Let's see which one is more useful for you!

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