The best tricks to keep fruits and vegetables fresh

The best tricks to keep fruits and vegetables fresh
Most of us do not have time to buy vegetables and fruits as they used to do, every 2 or 3 days, so that it was always fresh. But we should eat it, and of course, both for taste, as for the vitamin intake and its other nutritional qualities, the fresher the better. Therefore, we have selected " The best tricks to keep fresh fruits and vegetables" , which will surely help you simplify a little life with shopping.

TOP 1:

The onions

The onions
Come, come: permission to laugh. Believe it or not, if you are putting the onions in a pair of socks, and you make a knot after each one, and you keep them hanging in a discreet but airy place - we also want you to decorate the house with them - they can last a whopping Half a year or more!

TOP 2:

Put an egg absorbs odors in the fridge

Put an egg absorbs odors in the fridge
These eggs absorb odors and absorb moisture, which can be bought in large stores, in some hardware stores or in the markets, have another property: they also absorb the ethylene gas that our vegetables give off and also some fruits in the fridge. This gas accelerates the process of food aging.

TOP 3:

An impossible company: potatoes and onions

An impossible company: potatoes and onions
We will join them together when cooking them, or to make a delicious potato and onion tortilla, but before, no. Onions give off a gas that causes rapid deterioration of potatoes, so far from each other. And, to extend the life of the potatoes, we put a healthy apple between them and you will see that sprouts do not come out.

TOP 4:

The history of the rotten apple

The history of the rotten apple
How many times, speaking of someone, have we heard that "a rotten apple spoils the rest"! Well, it's true, but also talking about apples. Unfortunately, most apples that reach the market come from conservation chambers so that they do not spoil. But, in our house, these conditions are no longer maintained, and again we find ethylene gas. An apple can emanate enough gas to spoil the ones next door, so if you see any "sad" apples, consume the first one or separate it from the rest.

TOP 5:

The happy bananas

The happy bananas
Look they are good, but how soon they break down! And in addition they are the fruit that more ethylene gives off by what better away from the others. We have solutions for not having to eat bananas throughout the family for two days in a row after buying them. One of them is to wrap the banana stem in transparent paper, and they will last about three days longer than normal. Another, wrap them in aluminum foil and a dishcloth, and to the fridge: they will get ugly on the outside but they will remain delicious inside.

TOP 6:

Lettuce, past, is worth nothing

Lettuce, past, is worth nothing
Indeed, who wants a salad with lettuce half sad and without crunchy? There are several tricks to keep it: in both cases, you have to wash it before storing it in the fridge (by the way, it is more hygienic). One thing is important: do not cut the lettuce with a knife, you better tear the leaves. If not, it would "rust" where you cut it. To store it: we can put it in a tupper with a rack under it and close it tightly, or we can wrap the leaves in a dishcloth. It is also possible to put the leaves in a bowl, cover it with plastic wrap, and put on top a napkin that will absorb excessive moisture.

TOP 7:

Celery, broccoli, leek, carrots

Celery, broccoli, leek, carrots
You must store them in the fridge wrapped in aluminum foil to preserve their freshness. Of course: be careful to write on the paper the contents of the package because, if not, you risk opening one instead of the other and spoiling the packages you do not need.

TOP 8:


They are easy to keep. Simply wrap them in a damp cloth or damp paper towel in the fridge. If the cloth or paper dries, moisten it occasionally.

TOP 9:


This we suspend most! Tomatoes, as fruit that are surprisingly, should not be stored in the fridge, because they lose flavor and vitamins. Depending on where they are, they endure up to two weeks without refrigerating. And if they are too green and you want them to ripen, putting it together with an apple in a paper bag will work miracles.

TOP 10:


These poor, punished ... Without a refrigerator, in a cool and dry place, and in the dark! They will last a lot.

TOP 11:

Keep strawberries or strawberries

Keep strawberries or strawberries
Would you believe that they can be kept in condition for up to two weeks in the fridge without spoiling? Well, you can. You just have to give them a bath beforehand with a solution made with 1 part of white vinegar and 10 of water. Well drained and dried so they don't taste like vinegar, and in the fridge!

TOP 12:

Parsley and other aromatic plants

Parsley and other aromatic plants
To last, you have to give them an exquisite treatment: as if they were flowers, but in the fridge. They are placed inside a plastic bag and the stem is fastened with a rubber band or ribbon, and dispose of them when necessary.

Some of the tips are surprising and the opposite of what we have done most for a long time. They say that change is always good, and if it is to get good results, the better. Let's see if we serve you our best tricks to keep fruits and vegetables fresh. And if they serve you, comment, it costs nothing.