
Home Tricks

Life itself is complicated enough, so we want to simplify it a bit. We have made a selection of the best home tricks. It will change your life!

TOP 1: Reuse the shampoo bottle as a platform to charge the mobile

TOP 2: Use drawing clips to organize your cables

TOP 3: Store the folded sheets inside the pillowcase

TOP 4: Use nail polish to differentiate the keys

TOP 5: Use the cardboard of toilet paper rolls as an organizer

Cables, underwear, towels, ... what you need!

TOP 6: Use a clamp to hold the nails

TOP 7: Use post-its to collect dust or sawdust when drilling something

TOP 8: Put an elastic band to remove excess paint from the brush

TOP 9: Make a dustpan by recycling a plastic bottle

TOP 10: Store the wires inside the CD coils

TOP 11: How to quickly iron your shirt collar?

TOP 12: Reuse the wet wipe container to store bags

TOP 13: Make a platform with tweezers to dry the brushes

TOP 14: Rub a nut on the scratches your furniture has

TOP 15: Use a dustpan as a bridge to fill the mop bucket

TOP 16: Store cleaning products by hanging them on a bar

TOP 17: Steps to easily fold the bottom sheet

TOP 18: Reuse toilet paperboard as an amplifier

TOP 19: Find small objects using a stocking and a vacuum cleaner

When you lose a small object, for example an earring, you can easily recover it by putting a stocking in the mouth of the vacuum cleaner before turning it on.

TOP 20: Use a bowl as an amplifier

TOP 21: Reuse a cassette casing as a mobile platform

TOP 22: Use a tennis ball to hold objects

TOP 23: Use a magnetized bar to store small metal objects

If you have many needles, pins, tweezers, hooks ... metallic, an easy way to keep them organized is to put them on a bar magnetized on the wall or on a piece of furniture.

TOP 24: Save cans using a magazine file cabinet

These have been the best tips for the home. We hope you found them interesting and made your life a little easier. If so, share and simplify the life of your friends and family. If you try any, do not hesitate to post a comment with your experiences!

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