
Curiosities that can be done with zeal

Logically, the zeal serves to glue things, or at most, to close boxes when we make a move, and we would never consider the adhesive tape for something else. Now, those who do not spend hours to find where the tape begins, can make real works of art with zeal, using only their imagination. Let's start with the top of things that can be done with zeal .

TOP 15: Repair the road

TOP 14: Become a case for the ipod

TOP 13: Build toys

TOP 12: Launch a new style of clothing

TOP 11: Make a small sculpture

TOP 10: Customize the bike helmet

TOP 9: Hang a drunk friend

TOP 8: Create a new tie model

TOP 7: Paint the car with American tape

TOP 6: Make super original summer sandals

TOP 5: Show your level of freak in front of the parking lot

TOP 4: Repair the shell of a turtle

TOP 3: Open a boat

TOP 2: Pack gifts, only with tape

TOP 1: Make a portfolio

And here the things that can be done with a little zeal, imagination and a lot of free time. If you also consider repairing the road of your neighborhood with zeal, do not forget to like the post. If you are a normal person, and you have the zeal only to paste things ... we also let you "like" the top of the incredible things that can be done with zeal .

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