
The biggest Guinnes Records

Here is this list with 24 people who could fulfill the dream of being in the Guinnes Records book. Vote and comment.

TOP 24: The man with the most scorpions in his mouth.

This is the human being with the most scorpions inside his mouth: 35.

TOP 23: The man with the most hair in his ear

Radhakant Bajpai, 50, of Naya Ganj, India, entered the Guinness Book of Records in 2005. A hair that comes out of his ear came to measure 13.2 centimeters completely stretched.

TOP 22: The man with the longest nails

Shridhar Chillal, a native of India, has spent 20 years in the Guinness book of records for having the longest fingernails in the world. As he explains, "when I was 14, in 1952, I read about a Chinese man who had fifty-centimeter nails, and I was amazed, so I decided to defeat him." Its longest nail (that of the thumb) measures a meter and a half, and is wrapped in transparent adhesive tape at its base to support the weight. The shortest nail measures one meter. By trying to fulfill this record your thumb is inactive to any movement.

TOP 21: The man with the highest number of pircings

This man broke the record for the largest number of pircings in the entire body with an amount exceeding 500. He says not to disturb them at all. Something crazy right?

TOP 20: The longest nose

Mehmet Ozyurek, Artvin's natural Turk, takes place in the Guinnes record book with an 8.8 cm nose. of length.

TOP 19: The man with the longest mustache

From India comes Kalyan Ramji Sain, the man who holds the record of the longest mustache in the world. He let it grow since 1976 and as a result it was 327 cm long. Between both mustaches.

TOP 18: The most tattooed man

Tom Leppard, a former soldier, has 99.9% of his body tattooed, imitating the skin of a leopard.tom lives like a hermit on the island of Syke (Scotland, United Kingdom) and calculates having spent more than 7,000 dollars on this awesome skin.

TOP 17: The man with the greatest facial hair

This is Danny from Mexico. It has the best guinnes record of the largest amount of facial hair, and it is clear to see. His family inherited this strange disease inherited, so he was like that since childhood.

TOP 16: The smallest waist

Cathie Jung is recognized as the woman with the smallest waist, 38 cm. diameter. A crazy record, right?

TOP 15: The woman with the most hair

This woman is considered the current rapunzel. Her hair measures more than 5.50 cm in length.

TOP 14: The fattest man

From Mexico with 580 kg. Weighing and 2 meters tall, Manuel Uribe is the fattest man today. Explaining the reasons for such high development, and its medical causes, has become a challenge for doctors in the world.

TOP 13: The woman with the longest nails

Lee Redmond is not a woman who goes unnoticed when she goes out; holder of one of the strangest records in the Guinness book as "the longest nails in the world", the total sum of her nails exceeds 7 meters. He currently lives in Salt Lake City- Utah (USA) and is promoting the 2007 edition of the Guinnes Record Book.

TOP 12: The most elastic skin

Garry Turner of Caistor, Lincolnshire, in the United Kingdom, stretched the skin of his stomach up to 15.8cm. Turner has a rare medical condition called Elhers-Danlos Syndrome, a tissue-related disorder.

TOP 11: The smallest man

I have Pingping, with 73 cm. tall, he is the smallest man in the world today, since another person broke the record with 56 cm.

TOP 10: The most bearded man

Hans Langseth, born in Norway, is the most bearded man on the planet. His beard grew 5.33 meters until his death.

TOP 9: The man with the greatest balance

This human being holds the record of the greatest balance, because it keeps heavy objects on its head, which also implies great resistance.

TOP 8: Elastic limbs

This is the most elastic person on the planet. You can roll your arms behind your back and also the same with your legs.

TOP 7: The smartest woman

Marilyn vos Savant is so far the most intelligent woman, and most likely the human being. It turns out that he got a total of 228 points in the IQ (actually, 145, but since he got them at ten, his score is considered higher) and that's why he got this world record.

TOP 6: The tallest man (currently)

This man is the current giant. It measures more than 2.65 and is close to being the tallest man on the planet (the tallest human being in history reached 2.72)

TOP 5: The strongest man

The strongest man in the world is currently the Polish Mariusz Pudzianowski, who with a height of 1.85 m and a weight of 132 kg, is capable of lifting up to 395 kg of dead weight. This means that you can lift 3 times your own weight.

TOP 4: The fastest man

Chris Johnson is currently the fastest man, beating the 4.64 Bolt mark, as Johnson broke the record in 4.24 seconds.

TOP 3: The longest man

The Cuban Benito Martínez Abogán, is the longest man on the planet, and how not to be with 125 years? Like all centenarians, he says he has a secret of longevity: the consumption of corn, milk and fresh fish.

TOP 2: The smallest girl

Here is Jyoti, the smallest girl who is 15 years old, is just over 30 centimeters and weighs less than a stone, is considered the smallest girl in the world.

TOP 1: The most muscular man

Perhaps he is the man with the best muscle physique but unfortunately not the strongest. His biceps border 62 cm. diameter.

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