
The best typical costumes of Mexico

What is the typical costume that you consider most beautiful and original of Mexico? Notice: I am missing some states, I will greatly appreciate that you provide the links with the photos of those that are missing.

TOP 24: Durango

TOP 23: Guanajuato

TOP 22: Colima

TOP 21: Warrior

TOP 20: Chiapas

TOP 19: gentleman

TOP 18: Michoacán

TOP 17: Chihuahua

TOP 16: Zacatecas

TOP 15: Baja California Sur

TOP 14: Nayarit

TOP 13: San Luis Potosi

TOP 12: New Lion

TOP 11: Campeche

TOP 10: Quintana Roo

TOP 9: Aguascalientes

TOP 8: Sinaloa

TOP 7: Tamaulipas

TOP 6: Yucatan

TOP 5: Puebla

TOP 4: Tabasco

TOP 3: Oaxaca

TOP 2: Jalisco

TOP 1: Veracruz

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