
The best fish for a freshwater aquarium

Choose and vote for your favorite fish in all aspects their figure, size, color, food, reproduction, cost, life expectancy, behavior, etc.

TOP 40: Blind fish

TOP 39: Rainbow Fish

TOP 38: Crystal fish

TOP 37: Severum fish

TOP 36: Fish eats Chinese seaweed

TOP 35: Dwarf cyclic fish

TOP 34: Piranha fish

TOP 33: Rasbora fish

TOP 32: Pejelagarto fish

TOP 31: Besucon fish

TOP 30: Green terror fish

TOP 29: Malawi cyclic fish

TOP 28: Ax fish

TOP 27: Catfish

TOP 26: Molly Balloon Fish

TOP 25: Nun fish

TOP 24: Parrotfish

TOP 23: Pearl scale fish

TOP 22: Veil tail fish

TOP 21: Oscar fish

TOP 20: Lion head fish

TOP 19: Bearded fish

TOP 18: Platy fish

TOP 17: Gouramis fish

TOP 16: Sword tail fish

TOP 15: Iridescent Shark Fish

TOP 14: Molly fish

TOP 13: Bubble eye fish

TOP 12: Zebrafish (Danios)

TOP 11: Telescope fish

TOP 10: Common koi fish

TOP 9: Goldfish fish

TOP 8: Tetra fish

TOP 7: Bullet shark fish

TOP 6: Guppy fish

TOP 5: Rainbow shark fish

TOP 4: Fish cleans fish tanks (plecostomus)

TOP 3: Discus fish

TOP 2: Betta fish

TOP 1: Angel fish

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