
The 10 most common diseases in the world

. The Most Common Diseases Today we bring a list of the most common diseases in the world. We must know that nutrition is something fundamental we must eat healthy and leave a little junk food. Without further ado we started.

TOP 10: Liver diseases

If a person eats a lot of foods high in fats, sugars and alcohol, his liver may deteriorate. The most dangerous toxins that we ingest our liver takes care of them, that's why liver cancer is very strong and painful.

TOP 9: Hepatitis

Although the most common is hepatitis B, it is a well-known disease that affects the liver. Its cause can be infectious, toxic, immune. There are classes for this disease for the "A, B, C" are classified as the most dangerous, the "D, E" with less boom and for the "F, G" are the least studied.

TOP 8: Asthma

It is a disease that lies in the respiratory system, it is caused by inflammation of the airways. Usually people suffering from this disease help themselves to breathe with an inhaler.

TOP 7: Anorexy

This disease has a very devastating impact, thousands of young women are victims of this ruthless disease. The girls who manage to get out of this disease say they didn't know the difference of being full or being hungry. It is a disease that attacks the stomach and therefore the appetite is lost.


HIV AIDS "human immunodeficiency virus" is considered one of the most dangerous viruses. It was discovered in France in 1987 by the team of "Luc Montagnier" although the disease was older just not known it was. This causes many deaths annually.

TOP 5: Tooth decay

Believe it or not, it is one of the most common, it destroys the formation of the teeth, when it is at a degree of infection, the pain it causes is very unbearable in addition to drinking hot or cold drinks.

TOP 4: Diabetes

This occurs because it creates an elevation in blood glucose levels, the body does not release enough insulin (a substance responsible for regulating blood sugar values) or because it does not use it properly. This creates a lot of disorder in our body destroys vital organs and tissues of our body.

TOP 3: The obesity

Although you are thinking Elio is crazy, this should not go first cancer or AIDS should not be worse ?. Well, although it is not worse and is very treatable, it is a disease, the most common. This involves a number of physical problems and its direct attack on the vital organs and even more the heart is very worrying, the impact it has on children / young people is even greater this must be treated now !.

TOP 2: Cancer

For a simple and simple definition is when a number of malignant cells known as carcinogenic or cancerous are gathered, the problem is that their reproduction is totally abnormal and to β€œhelp” to counteract the disease there are sections of chemotherapy.

TOP 1: Flu

Known as "Flu or Influenza" It is a very common disease mostly in children, it attacks the airways, is similar to a cold and brings fever as a characteristic sign. It is very contagious, it is transmitted from one to another through the drops of saliva that we expel with the cough and sneezing and that are loaded with viruses.

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