The funniest phrases of Alice in Wonderland

The funniest phrases of Alice in Wonderland

TOP 20:
I never fail!!! Monster!!!!! ??? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!

TOP 19:
The queen of hearts and the mad hatter
The queen of hearts and the mad hatter
Find out! Ayyy what a beautiful voice!

TOP 18:
White rabbit
White rabbit
..... serenísima real majesty the queen of hearts !!! Vivaaaaa !!!!!!! Oh, and the king ...

TOP 17:
The carpenter and the walrus
The carpenter and the walrus
A carpenter who went for a walk with a walrus, was surprised to find sand by the sea: - Mr. Walrus, I estimate that in two years underneath, we will sweep this sand, if you like work. - Job?! It is time to rest, lying by the sea. And don't get to sweep the beach and its sand. Don't talk to me about work that I wasn't born for that. Dump, wander! That is the law, and so the King commands it ...

TOP 16:
Garden flowers
Garden flowers
Have you seen any alice with a cocoon like that? Pos thinking it well with or without cocoon.

TOP 15:

The doorknob

The doorknob
Alicia crying ...... Come on girl make an effort, we will drown!

TOP 14:

Mr. Don Caterpillar

Mr. Don Caterpillar
Look, it's 10 cm tall, it's nothing .... Nothing? !! That is exactly my height! And it is an ideal height, ideal !!!

TOP 13:

Tweedledee and Tweedledum

Tweedledee and Tweedledum
If you think we are lying, pay to see us! If you think we are really you have to talk to us!

TOP 12:


Nobody smokes here! Nobody cashes!

TOP 11:


It started tomorrow but yesterday it's going to end

TOP 10:

Queen of hearts

Queen of hearts
Let him cut his head!

TOP 9:

Queen of hearts

Queen of hearts
Sentence? But if they haven't tried me yet? The sentence is first !! The trial will come later !!

TOP 8:

White rabbit

White rabbit
I'm already late I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving! You see it? You see it? It's already past three! I'm leaving, I'm leaving! How are you? Goodbye! I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm leaving! If they talk to me, I'm not here anymore! I'm leaving, I'm leaving! How are you? Goodbye! I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving!

TOP 7:

Alice, the mad hatter and the hare

Alice, the mad hatter and the hare
I have a great idea, we change the subject !! Why do papermakers sell paper? Riddles? Why do papermakers sell paper .... I have no idea! But if you just asked me! Ask what? Watch out!! He has symptoms of madness !! But, but ... you two are crazy. They just told me that ... Don't come near, don't come near ..... Calm down, have some tea !!

TOP 6:

Alice and the Mad Hatter

Alice and the Mad Hatter
Then it is also my no birthday today !!! Aii how small is this world ...

TOP 5:

Mr. Don Oruga and Alicia

Mr. Don Oruga and Alicia
Who are you? -I don't know anymore, sir, I've changed so many times that I don't know anymore.

TOP 4:

The mad hatter and the hare

The mad hatter and the hare
-TEE! -Of course, tea! How had it not occurred to me? Tea ... -AZUCAAR! -Sugar! Sure sugar. Two spoons ... two spoons. Thanks, that is. -JALEAA! -Jelly! I forgot the jelly ... -MOSTAZAA! -Mostaza, yes! Mos ... mustard? Do not! Not that it was a sandwich! Lemon, yes!

TOP 3:

The hare

The hare
I never thought that .... There's the detail, if you don't think don't talk!

TOP 2:

The laughing cat

The laughing cat
-If you really want to know, he went there ... there. -Who? -The white rabbit. -Really? - Really what? -What left. -Who? -Rabbit. -What rabbit?

TOP 1:

The mad Hatter

The mad Hatter
And when you finish talking ... you shut up.