Film and TV

The best couples of soap operas

TOP 37: Kate del Castillo and Eduardo Palomo

Pentagonized the soap opera RAMONA in 2000 produced by producers Lucy Orozco Humberto Robles and Juan Manuel Orozco

TOP 36: Adriana Nieto and Juan Soler

protagonists of the youth novel LOCURA DE AMOR in the year 2000 produced by roberto gomez fernandez

TOP 35: Jacqueline Bracamontes and Guy Ecker

protagonist of the soap opera HERIDAS DE AMOR produced by Roberto Hernández Vázquez in 2006

TOP 34: Sandra Echeverria and Manolo Cardona

TOP 33: Carmen Villalobos and Sebastian Caicedo

TOP 32: Marlene Favela And Cristian Meijer

TOP 31: Edith Gonzales and Eduardo Palomo

they starred in the soap opera CORAZON SALVAJE in 1993 considered one of the most successful novels of all time was produced by José Rendón

TOP 30: Anahi and Carlos Ponce

TOP 29: Allison Lozz and Eugenio siller

protagonists of the soap opera AL DIABLO CON LOS GUAPOS produced by Angelli Nesma in 2007

TOP 28: Maite Perroni and Eugenio Siller

protagonists of the soap opera MI PECADO produced by juan osorio in 2009

TOP 27: Edith Gonzalez and Fernando Colunga

they starred in the soap opera NEVER FORGET YOU in 1999 produced by juan osorio

TOP 26: Valentino Lanús and Sara Maldonado

protagonists of the youth soap opera EL JUEGO DE LA VIDA in 2001 produced by Roberto Gómez Fernández

TOP 25: Carmen Villalobos and Jean Carlos Cinnamon

TOP 24: Danna Garcia and Mario Cimarro

TOP 23: Angelique Boyer and Sebastian Rulli

TOP 22: Ana de la Reguera and Manolo Cardona

TOP 21: Eiza Gonzalez and Aaron Diaz

protagonists of the youth novel LOLA ERASE ONCE produced by pedro damian in 2007

TOP 20: Sherlyn and Cristian Chavez

TOP 19: Dulce Maria and Alfonso Herrera

they were a couple in the soap opera ClASE 406 produced by pedro damian in 2002

TOP 18: Paola Rey and Michel Brown

TOP 17: Thalia and Fernando Colunga

they starred with great success the soap opera MARIA LA DEL BARRIO in 1995 produced by valentin pimstein

TOP 16: Sara Maldonado and Aaron Diaz

protagonists of the youth novel CORAZONES AL LIMITE in 2004 produced by Nicandro Díaz and Roberto Hernández Vázquez,

TOP 15: Adela Noriega and Mauricio Islas

they starred in EL MANANTIAL a successful Mexican soap opera production by Carla Estrada in 2001

TOP 14: Angelique Boyer and Aaron Diaz

TOP 13: Anahi and Kuno Becker

TOP 12: Belinda and Alfonso Herrera

protagonists of the youth novel CAMALEONES produced by rosy ocampo in 2009

TOP 11: Ana Branda Contreras and Aaron Diaz

TOP 10: Sweet Maria and Aaron Diaz

TOP 9: Anahi and Aaron Diaz

TOP 8: Adela Noriega and Fernando Colunga

they starred in the soap opera AMOR REAL in 2003 produced by carla estrada

TOP 7: Aracely Arambula and Fernando Colunga

starred in the soap opera HUG VERY STRONG in the year 2000 produced by salvador mejía

TOP 6: Anahi and Alfonso herrera

couple in the REBELDE soap opera produced by pedro damian in 2004

TOP 5: Dulce Maria and Christopher Uckermann

couple in the REBELDE youth soap opera in 2004 produced by pedro damian

TOP 4: Jacqueline Bracamontes and William Levy

protagonists of the novel SORTILRGIO produced by carla estrada in 2009

TOP 3: Paola Rey And Juan Alfonso Batista

TOP 2: Maite Perroni And Willian Levy

protagonists of the soap opera CUIDADO CON EL ÁNGEL in 2008 produced by Nathalie Lartilleux due to success, the soap opera THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE produced by Salvador Mejía in 2010 once again starred

TOP 1: Michel Brown and Natasha Klauss

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