
The best characters of the Second World War

Behind a warlike conflict of the magnitude of the Second World War there were multiple characters who had a relevant role in the development of events. List dedicated to MANUEL (VENHUT).

TOP 15: Dr. Carl Clauberg

He was born in 1898 in Wuppertal. He served his country in the First World War as an infantryman although he later studied medicine (gynecology specialty). He became the head of the doctors of the University Clinical Hospital of Gynecology of Kiel. He investigated in the concentration camps sterilization techniques. He died in 1957 just before being processed.

TOP 14: Oskar Dirlewanger

He was born in Wurzburg in September 1895. His rise in the SS was swift and he was appointed commander of the XXXVI Waffen-Grenadier Division der SS Dirlewanger formed by mostly convicts. In 1945 Dirlewanger died in Althausen in mysterious circumstances that were never clarified.

TOP 13: Neville Chamberlain

He was British Prime Minister between 1937 and 1940. He tries to encourage a policy of appeasement with the Nazi regime, and in September 1938 he signed the Munich Pact agreeing to the transfer by Czechoslovakia of the Sudeten region to Germany A year later the Nazi attack on Poland unleashes World War II. The military failure of the British expeditionary body in Norway and the Nazi invasion of France, end their position. He resigns in May 1940 and he is succeeded by Winston Churchill.

TOP 12: Hermann goering

He was born on January 12, 1893 in Rosenheim. Considered the last commander of the Richthofen Combat Squadron, he was awarded Pour Le Merite and the Iron Cross of First Class, thus obtaining the recognition of a war hero. He came to claim the power of the party for thinking that Hitler was losing strength. He committed suicide due to the ingestion of poison on October 15, 1946, when he was captured by the Allied forces, which faced him with a military trial in Nuremberg in 1946.

TOP 11: Richard Baer

He was born on September 9, 1911 in Bavaria (Germany). He was appointed deputy officer of SS-Obergruppenführer Oswald Pohl, head of the central office of Economy and Administration. He was the third commander of the Auschwitz concentration camp. In December 1960 he was arrested by dying in prison in 1963.

TOP 10: Dwight David Eisenhower

He was born in Denison (Texas) on October 14, 1890 in the United States. He stood out as supreme commander of the allied armies. He died on March 28, 1969 in the city of Washington DC

TOP 9: Charles de Gaulle

French politician, writer and military who was born on November 22, 1890. He led the army that fought along with the allies in World War II. He died of an aneurysm on November 9, 1970.

TOP 8: Heinrich Himmler

He was born on October 7, 1900 in a city near Munich. German military of great importance due to his rank of chief of the SS and the Gestapo. True to Hitler's doctrine being one of its greatest protectors. In 1945 Heinrich Himmler is taken prisoner by the British who intended to judge him for war crimes but that act never occurred since Himmler decided to end his life before.

TOP 7: Hiro-Milestone

He was born in Tokyo on April 29, 1901. Emperor of Japan (1926-1989). Although their participation was recognized as an accomplice of war, the allies agreed not to subject Hiro-Hito to war crimes trials of 1946-1948. Dying January 7, 1989.

TOP 6: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

He was born on January 30, 1882 in Hyde Park. The rise of Italian fascism and the German National Socialist regime in Europe worried Roosevelt, and he was preparing the country for a warlike conflict that could erupt from one moment to another. With the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the neutrality of the United States disappeared and entered fully in the war. He died before seeing the fascist regime fall.

TOP 5: Erwin Rommel

He was born on November 15, 1891 in Heidenheim an der Branz, a town near Ulm in Württemberg (Germany). General of the German army during World War II known as "Desert Fox" due to his lightning attacks and his rapid disappearance to be resupplied. Rommel is involved in an attack on Hitler when a General Staff meeting was held. He is granted two options: to be judged as a traitor and suffer humiliation both from his own family and from suicide or commit suicide. He decided to commit suicide on October 14, 1944 and, in this way, that his family could live in peace.

TOP 4: Winston churchill

He was born on November 30, 1874 in London. He was a statesman, historian, writer, military, speaker and British prime minister. On January 24, 1965, the body of Winston Churchill is found lifeless which causes deep pain in English society which remind him of the most transcendental British ruler of the twentieth century and one of the most important worldwide.

TOP 3: Yosif Stalin

Soviet politician born in Georgia creator of the greatest characteristics of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (known as USSR). Due to his strong regime and his perpetual atrocities in the USSR, Stalin went from being a hero of socialism to being considered one of the greatest dictators of the twentieth century. On March 5, 1953 he died after a slow agony.

TOP 2: Benito Mussolini

He was born on July 29, 1883 in Dovia di Predappio (Italy). When World War II broke out, he decided to stay out but changed when the Germans invaded France in June 1940. He proclaimed the Italian Social Republic, a brief regime that subsisted for German protection. He and his lover were captured by the Italian resistance when the fascist regime languished and were shot on April 28, 1945.

TOP 1: Adolf Hitler

German politician born in Braunau am Inn (Austria) on April 20, 1889. He was a dictator capable of convincing and mobilizing the entire German people in favor of anti-Semitism and belief in the Aryan race as the supreme and dominant throughout the world. He committed suicide on April 30, 1945 in Berlin along with his wife Eva Braun leaving an invaded, ruined and defeated Germany.

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