
Greek mythology monsters

It is very interesting.

TOP 14: Charon

He is the boatman of Hell. He is in charge of taking the souls of the dead to Hades and for this he crosses the Estige or Styx lagoon with his boat.

TOP 13: Sphinx.

It has a woman's head, lion's body and wings. Hera sends her to Thebes to punish her king, Layo, for raping Crisipo, son of Pelope. The sphinx proposes that an enigma passes by and if it is not solved, it devours the unhappy and in peace. Until Oedipus guesses it and the sphinx, rabid, commits suicide.

TOP 12: Harpies

They have a woman's head, body of a bird and sharp claws. They kidnap souls and children. Being of the pre-Olympic generation, like the Moiras, they do not respect the dictates of the gods.

TOP 11: Caribdis

At first she was a beautiful girl, although she was too gluttonous. On one occasion it devours part of the cattle of Heracles and Zeus (which for some is the father of Heracles) throws it into the sea from where it emerges turned into a monster. Three times a day it absorbs water with everything it contains, fish, boats ... and then vomit.

TOP 10: Typhoon.

Be monstrous son of Gea and Tartarus or Hera without male intervention. Instead of fingers he had dragon heads, from the waist down he was composed of snakes, he had wings and his eyes gave off fire and vipers. It was as tall as a mountain. He wanted to be the king of the world, so he attacks Olympus. The gods flee in terror and hide in the form of animals. Only Zeus and Athena face him. Typhoon manages to beat Zeus and cuts his tendons. Hermes and Pan, or according to other versions the hero Cadmo, they are returned. Finally Zeus defeats Typhoon by burying him under Mount Etna, where his cries are still heard.

TOP 9: Siren.

They have a woman's head and a fish's body. They attract men with their song and then kill them. Only two expeditions have survived their evil charms. The Argonauts get rid of them by the music of Orpheus that counteracts their singing. The crew of Odysseus covers his ears with wax and only Odysseus, tied to the main pole, hears his song.

TOP 8: Squill.

This spawn had half a woman's body that was supported on six half dogs, with a head and two legs each. There are several traditions. In a Scylla is a beautiful girl who falls in love with Glauco and causes him to despise the magician Circe, so she is turned into that monster. In another the one in love is Poseidon and his wife, jealous, asks Circe to metamorphose her. In another Glauco and Poseidon they claim it and as Scylla chooses Glauco, Poseidon punishes her in this way. He lived in a cave in the Strait of Messina, where he devoured the one who approached him, as happened with six companions of Odysseus. Heracles kills her.

TOP 7: Centaur.

They had the horse's body and the man's bust. The most famous is the wise and medical Chiron who is responsible for the education of many of the heroes of mythology. He was immortal but Heracles wounds him with an arrow poisoned with the blood of the Hydra of Lerna and asks Zeus to die. Then the immortality of Chiron is ceded to Prometheus. Chiron becomes the constellation of Sagittarius.

TOP 6: Jellyfish.

He was mortal and dies killed by Perseus.

TOP 5: Minotaur.

Aphrodite punishes the queen of Crete, Pasiphae, for not paying her the honors she deserves. It makes her conceive an unnatural passion with a bull gift of Poseidon. To join with his love he gets into a wooden bull. Thus was born the Minotaur, a monster with a bull's head and a human body. Minos, Pasífae's husband, horrified, orders him to build a maze to hide such a spawn. Every year he had to sacrifice seven young men and seven maidens. Until Theseus arrives and defeats him with the help of Ariadna, the daughter of Minos.

TOP 4: Taps

They are half eagle-shaped and the lower half is lion. They always accompany Apollo. They are supposed to keep an incredible treasure.

TOP 3: Hydra.

Poisonous monster with fifty heads or three heads. When the Danaides killed the fifty children of Egypt, they cut off their heads and threw them into a lake. Hence the Hydra. Heracles kills her by fulfilling another of his works.

TOP 2: Cerberus

It was also called Cancerbero. He was in charge of guarding the doors of Hades. It had three heads, although some traditions maintain that they were more than fifty. He did not allow the exit of any of the souls that Charon brought to hell. Only twice was defeated. One by Orpheus who captivated him with his lyre. Another by Hercules who had to chain him as one of his Works.

TOP 1: Phoenix.

Legendary bird that was reborn from its ashes. He lived five hundred and seventy years. The Phoenix or Phoenicoperus, as the Greeks knew it, is a mythological bird the size of an eagle, with incandescent red, orange and yellow plumage, with a strong beak and claws. According to some myths, he lived in a region that comprised the area of the Middle East and India, reaching Egypt, in North Africa.

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